This website is dedicated to the collection of contribution, comments, experiences for the “Reclaim the Commons” global call, launched at the World Social Forum held in Belém do Pará (Brazil) in January, 2009.
The presentation of the “Reclaim the Commons” manifesto, on the occasion of the Belém WSF 2009, was the starting point of this international mobilization campaign to reclaim, protect and re-create the commons.
The purpose of this campaign is to popularize the notion of Commons by opening a participatory space which allows us to share and discuss ideas and initiatives concerning the future of the commons.
To contact people involved in the facilitation of the campaign, sent a message to : facilitation[at]bienscommuns[point]org
To webmaster : blogadmins[at]bienscommuns[point]org
Any one who endorse the Manifesto Reclaim the Commons can add reflexions, contributions or experiences to the Commons campaign Blog.
Our hope is to show each actor and activist of this world wide campaign how flourishing, brillant and up to date is the commons approach. We’re looking for empowerment of any reader by sharing concepts, experiences about the commons in the 2009 worldwide social, political and geopolitical situation.
If you endorse the Manifesto and want to write articles, posts or comments in this blog, just ask the facilitation team for a login and password. Then wait from minutes to hours for one member of this team to add you as a commons’ blogger.and send you back the information by mail. It’s a hand made process for now…we will soon upgrade this.