Archive for November, 2010


November 20th, 2010

« Libération des semences et de l’humus ».

Kokopelli est un personnage de la mythologie amérindienne souvent représenté bossu et jouant de la flute et qui symbolise la fertilité et la germination. C’est aussi le nom qu’a choisi une association française qui distribue, cultive et récolte des semences issues de l’agriculture biologique et biodynamique à travers le monde dans le but de lutter contre l’érosion génétique et de préserver la biodiversité semencière et potagère. En effet, ces actions doivent garantir un contrôle de qualité de la chaîne alimentaire.

Par Laurence Brassamin


From the ICC: Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform

November 19th, 2010

Some outputs of the International Commons Conference : Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform organized by Heinrich Böll Stiftung with the collaboration of Commons Strategy Group, are available in the net :

Do not hesitate to spread the word !

La chasse aux données ouvertes… est ouverte !

November 19th, 2010 propose de faire la chasse aux données pour les libérer. Cette nouvelle forme de mobilisation s’inspire des “Data Hunt” de Open Knowledge Foundation. Pour une bonne revue de l’état des lieux de l’Open Data, on pourra notamment consulter le blog de LiberTIC.

Et ne pas manquer le rendez-vous le 26 novembre 2010 à la Cantine !

Porter le débat sur les Biens Communs au Forum Social Mondial à Dakar

November 17th, 2010

En février 2011, le Forum social mondial et le Forum mondial science et démocratie seront deux opportunités offertes aux  “commoners” d’interagir avec d’autres mouvements civiques et sociaux.

Une liste de discussion <>  est à la disposition des contributeurs : (more…)

Bringing the discussion on The Commons to Dakar at the World Social Forum

November 17th, 2010

The World Social Forum and the World Forum on Science and Democracy will be two opportunities for the commoners to interact with other civic and social movements.

A list of discussion is now open for volunteers at :


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13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons IASC

November 14th, 2010

IASC 2011 – Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our FutureThe 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons IASC will be held in Hyderabad, India from January 10th to 14th, 2011.

The Conference is being held in South Asia for the first time; and in a departure from the past, will be hosted by a practitioner organization – Foundation for Ecological Security FES.

The Conference provides a unique opportunity to resurface the discussion and debate on Commons and bring experience and evidence from across the world to show that Commons are not a relic of the past, but play a strategic role in maintaining ecological health, reducing poverty, and improving collective action. By placing the Conference agenda in the ongoing discussions around conservation, local governance, social exclusion and human rights, agrarian distress and rural livelihoods, and by pitching it at the interface of policy, research and practice, the aim is to bring practitioners, scholars and decision makers to a common meeting ground so as to enrich the collective understanding on common property resources and identify areas and measures to inform policy and programmatic action as well as guide future research.

via IASC 2011 – Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our Future.

« Du public au commun », Séminaire 2010-2011 à Paris

November 2nd, 2010

Ce séminaire est organisé par le  Collège International de Philosophie, Université de Paris 1 – Maison des Sciences Economiques, coordonné par Serge Cosseron, Pierre Dardot, Patrick Dieuaide, Nicolas Guilhot, Giorgio Grizotti, Christian Laval, Jason Francis Mc Gimsey, Jean-Marie Monnier, Antonio Negri, Elicio Pantaleo, Bernard Paulré, Franck Poupeau,Judith Revel, Carlo Vercellone. La prochaine séance « Passer du public au commun » avec Antonio Negri et Pierre Dardot se déroulera le mercredi 3 novembre, 19 h à la Maison des Sciences Economiques, 106, bd. de l’Hôpital, salle 114.

Présentation du séminaire : Contribuer à frayer de nouvelles voies à la pensée sociale et politique, telle est l’ambition du séminaire « Du public au commun » (more…)

Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform

November 1st, 2010

The International Commons Conference: Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform – Economy – began at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Follow the livestream


See the introduction

An epoch in modern history has ended. The growth imperative of market capitalism is evidently endangering the ecosystem. Confidence in governments as reliable steward of people’s interests has been shaken. Therefore, a new path forward is coming into focus: The commons! The commons is about reclaiming, sharing and self-governing resources that belong to everyone. As a form of governance it is defending traditional or building new social and institutional systems for managing our resources – water and land, knowledge and seeds, genes and the atmosphere – based on the principles of equity and sustainability. The commons is a practical means for re-inventing society in ways that markets and governments are unable or unwilling to entertain. Commons does not mean resources alone are centre stage, of higher importance are the relationships among us, the commoners, our ways of commoning.