Public Domain Manifesto / Manifeste pour le domaine public
In order to increase public awareness for spreading knowledge and culture, COMMUNIA, the European Thematic Network on the Digital Public Domain, announces the launch of the Public Domain
Developed during the last two years, the document outlines a series of general principles (opening with: the Public Domain is the rule, copyright protection is the exception), then addresses various issues relevant to today’s cultural landscape finally provides some recommendations aimed at protecting the Public Domain and ensuring that it can continue to function in a meaningful way. While these recommendations are applicable across the spectrum of copyright, they are of particular relevance to education, cultural heritage and scientific research.
The document is available in several languages and includes a list of initial signers (both individuals and organizations). Everyone is encouraged to sign it, to follow the Facebook page and… to spread the word with the PDF Press Release.
PDF Manifesto Release
(Sources :
Résumé en français
Dans le cadre du réseau européen COMMUNIA sur le domaine public numérique un “Manifeste pour le domaine public ” a été élaboré. Ce texte est d’ores-et-déjà signé par un ensemble international de juristes, d’institutions de recherche d’éducation ou patrimoniales et d’acteurs de l’innovation et d’internet.
Le site du manifeste inclue une version française.
Le manifeste – comme le nom l’indique – développe des principes généraux, mais ceux-ci ont des applications concrètes directes qui en font un véritable outil politique. COMMUNIA produira dans les mois qui viennent des recommandations politiques plus détaillées.
Communiqué de presse PDF
(Source : Message de Philippe Aigrain)
The Public Domain as a whole is the wealth of information that is free from the barriers to access or reuse usually associated with copyright protection, either because it is free from any copyright protection or because the right holders have decided to remove these barriers. The Public Domain ensures that the principles of Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (‘Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.’) can be fully enjoyed by everyone across the world.
In order to increase public awareness about such concepts and potentialities for spreading knowledge and culture, today COMMUNIA, the European Thematic Network on the Digital Public Domain, announces the launch of the Public Domain
Manifesto (
The document outlines a series of general principles (opening with: the Public Domain is the rule, copyright protection is the exception) along with various issues relevant to today’s Public Domain, and provides some recommendations aimed at protecting the Public Domain and ensuring that it can continue to function in a meaningful way—with particular relevance to education, cultural heritage and scientific research.
The Public Domain Manifesto reinforces the recent Public Domain Day (1. January 2010) initiatives and is already available in several languages with more translations underway, also featuring dozens of initial signers—both individuals and organizations
worldwide. Everyone is encouraged to sign it, to follow our Facebook page and… to spread the word!
For more information:
- Public Domain Manifesto website
- Public Domain Manifesto Facebook page
- Public Domain Day website
Tags: domaine public, Manifeste, public domaine