A2K4: Access to Knowledge and Human Rights Conference
The Fourth Access to Knowledge Conference (A2K4) scheduled to take place at Yale Law School on February 12-13, 2010 is dedicated to a specialized theme: the intersection between access to knowledge and human rights.
Co-editor of the GISWatch, APC is invited to participate to the organisation of the A2K4 conference.
La 4ième conférence Accès aux Savoirs aura lieu à la Yale Law School les 12-13 février 2010. Le thème de cette édition est : le croisement entre Accès aux Savoirs et droits humains.A Suite à l’impacte de la publication Global Information Society Watch 2009, qui à mit l’emphase sur l’accès aux savoirs pour la démocratie et les droits humains, l’Université de Yale a invité APC, co-éditeur de GISWatch, à co-programmer la quatrième conférence sur l’Accès au savoir (A2K). La conférence, organisée par le projet de Yale sur la société de l’information va réunir les académiques et les activistes sur les droits humains, afin d’examiner la création de lois, de politiques, et d’architectures techniques afin de promouvoir le progrès social à la grandeur du monde. Suite en anglais.
Access to knowledge (A2K) is about designing intellectual property laws, telecommunication policies, and technical architectures that encourage broader participation in cultural, civic, and educational affairs; expand the benefits of scientific and technological advancement; and promote innovation, development, and social progress across the globe.
The two-day conference will feature a diverse range of academics and practitioners in plenary panels on topics including Access to Knowledge and International Human Rights, Technologies of Dissent, The Right to Culture and Science, and Digital Education and The Right to Learn. The conference will also include breakout sessions of working groups organized around specific issue areas such as: climate change, gender equality, Internet freedom, food security, access to medicines or other topics, depending on the interests of attendees and partner organizations.
The conference is being hosted by the Yale Information Society Project, an intellectual center examining the implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society. More information
Sources : Save the Date: February 12-13, 2010, by Lea Shaver | November 12, 2009