This is an open letter to President Dilma Rousseff signed by international organizations, academics and activists in support of the work of the Brazilian society and government for the cultural commons
The Commons Strategies Group with a little help from some friends has drafted an open letter to Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff to be signed by international organizations, academics and activists in support of the work of the Brazilian society and government for the cultural commons. The Open Letter is to be issued at the World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal, this week. It follows an Open Letter by the Brazilian civil society in December expressing concern that Rousseff’s appointment of Ana de Hollanda as new Minister of Culture might lead to a reversal of the progressive policies under the Ministers Gilberto Gil and Juca Ferreira. The letter points out a range of achievements by the previous Ministry of Culture (MinC), including the Points of Culture, the support for free software, the Development Agenda at WIPO, an open inclusive dialogue in society about culture policies, the adoption of free licenses such as those of Creative Commons and the copyright bill. The concern was fueled by the first activities of the new Minister Ana de Hollanda. She announced that she will need to review the copyright bill that was ready to be send to Congress and she withdrew the CC licence from the ministry’s website. For some background on the issues see here.
After the release it will move to its own web-page for signature collection. If your group wants to be among the initial signatories please e-mail your endorsement to of the Commons Strategies Group until Thursday 10 February at 9 a.m. Central European Time. The letter and signatures will be presented at the World Social Forum in Dakar on that day.
Elinor Ostrom, a intelectual contemporânea que se associa imediatamente ao debate sobre os Comuns, sublinha a complexidade intrínseca à ação coletiva e de recursos comuns, destacando a importância da realidade local. Sobre essa perspectiva é possível reexaminar as metas, os discursos de vários atores que convergiram para a Conferência Internacional dos Comuns – organizada pelo ICC para a Fundação Heinrich Boll Stiftung. O objetivo destas páginas é elaborar uma reflexão sobre o senso prático deste evento.
Mais de duzentas pessoas provenientes de 29 países, vinculados com universidades, instituições de pesquisa, fundações, ongs, partidos políticos e profissionais independentes (jornalistas, autores, comunicadores, advogados, consultores, bloggers, produtores de cinema) se reuniram nas grandes conferências e nos grupos de trabalho.
Para parte deles o debate sobre os Comuns constitui o eixo de sua atividade profissional e/ou militante; para outros, familiarizados com maior profundidade sobre o tema, consitutui a proposição de uma plataforma de base; para muitos representa uma politização que é identificada na expressão “comuneros” no sentido de afiliação a uma ideia, uma meta e um combate. Quer dizer, a formulação de um projeto futuro centrado nos Comuns, encontrarando uma ‘utopia’ que represente a saída da crise econômica, ecológica e social das sociedades contemporâneas. (more…)
Remix The Commons, projet d’oeuvre multimédia collaboratif et évolutif sur les biens communs, a donner ses premiers tours de manivelles à l’occasion de la conférences internationale organisée à Berlin en novembre dernier par la Fondation Heinrich Boell et le Groupe stratégique International pour les biens communs (IIC).
Il livre aujourd’hui les 14 premières vidéos sur les biens communs sur Viméo et bientôt sur d’autres canaux (youtube, dailymotion et
En voici une, celle de silke Hilfrish, parmi d’autres : (more…)
A La Ciotat des citoyens ont créé leur AMACCA* (AMAP culturelle). Ils proposent une culture pour tous choisie par eux mêmes et se donnent rendez-vous le 15 octobre à 20h 15 au Théâtre du Golfe de La Ciotat.
Entrée : prix libre
*Association pour le maintien des alternatives en matière de culture et de création artistique
maison des associations place évariste gras la ciotat
Le Vent Se Lève! propose, en contribution à la journée mondiale de la récupération des biens communs, une Soirée dogmatique avec Cassandre/Horschamp vendredi 15 octobre 2010 à 20h30.
L’art et la culture appartiennent à chacun d’entre nous. Force est de constater que ces bien là aussi nous ont été confisqués par “ceux qui possèdent, ceux qui savent, ceux qui décident”. AUX ARTS CITOYENS !
Jackie Star évolue entre le rire, la folie et son double. Hôtesse parfaite, tragédienne démolie, cantatrice ébouriffée… mais profondément avec nous.
Patrick Champagne, sociologue, est membre du Centre de sociologie européenne de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), chercheur en sociologie à l'INRA depuis 1973, enseignant à l'Université Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) et à l'Institut d'études politiques de Toulouse.
L’art lanceur d’alertes propose un rendez-vous bimestriel autour d’un protocole artistique. Des artistes et penseurs sont invités à faire une proposition spécifique, autour d’un thème précis. Ce soir : la réappropriation du bien commun. Mise en débat avec les participants et le public. Repas convivial.
Le Vent Se Lève!
Au 181 avenue Jean Jaurès
Dans le 19ème arrondissement.
Comme c’est un peu caché, voici un plan !
Pour vous repérer, cherchez le restaurant El Molino, c’est juste derrière.
FC X In October 2008, hundreds of students, activists, coders and scholars gathered at UC Berkeley for Free Culture 2008. Between illuminating panel discussions and productive unconference sessions, the free culture community networked and planned for the future. It was there that the Wheeler Declaration was conceived to form the basis for SFC’s current advocacy around opening higher education.
Now, a little more than a year later, Students for Free Culture will be convening the international free culture community for two days of networking, learning and acting. Free Culture X, the 2010 conference of SFC, will take place on February 13th and 14th at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
The vision is to bring together student activists and free culture luminaries to discuss, among other topics, free software and open standards, open access scholarship, open educational resources, network neutrality, and university patent policy, especially in the context of higher education.
If you have ideas, suggestions or would like to be involved, be in touch (board-at-freeculture-dot-org).