Internal Presentation of Work on the Idea of the Commons in Regional Governance in El Salvador Sarah Scholz
October, 15, 2010.
On the occasion of the first World Commons Day I`ll present my current work on the Commons in Regional Governance in El Salvador. It´ll be an internal event for the German Development Agency (GTZ) where I´m doing in internship and writing my tesis. The GTZ here in El Salvador is cooperating with the Asociation of Municipalities Los Nonualcos (Asociación de Municipios Los Nonualcos, ALN) which is a rare example of cooperation above party lines in the country.
Since nearly ten years this association is providing a space of public participation and cooperation between municipalities in topics ranging from regional economic development (through tourism amongst others) to natural risk and waste management.
In a centralized country like El Salvador, this effort of institutionalized local cooperation can be seen as an re-appropiation of their own territory by these 16 municipalities. Through their colective work on a wide range of topics concerning the management of their territory, they are using and constructing the concept of the Commons.
That is why I decided to apply the Design Principles for Institutions of Collective Actions that Elinor Ostrom formulated in “Governing the Commons” to the case of the ALN. In this presentation I´ll show my first findings and conclusions of the research.
3D presents its last publication : The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): A new obstacle to human rights?
This paper shows how the negotiations of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA have become the emblem of the maximum protection approach of intellectual property rights (IPR), reversing the public interest approach that underpinned IPR originally. It argues that if such a vision is realized, through ambiguous rhetoric and aggressive negotiating strategies, it could lead to a new international institutional framework that will hinder the realization of human rights.
To download the publication, please click here or visit 3D’s website: .
PIJIP: – American University Washington College of Law
Un groupe de chercheurs, experts, activistes réunis Washington lancent un appel à signature pour une analyse du texte officiel de l’accord ACTA en cours de négociation.
Le Draft de cet appel peut être signé par des organisations aussi bien que des individus jusqu’au 22 juin en envoyant un mail à et des propositions de modifications sont recevables jusqu’au lunidi 21 (17:00).
On 8 June 2010 from 9:30-13:00 in EP Brussels, room ASP 1G3
The environmental and social crisis and an ever increasing pressure on natural resources have triggered a renewed reflection on the notion of property. Faced with a rampant privatisation of the access, management and distribution of the planet’s common goods, we must rethink our categories.
The same kind of reflection applies to “Intellectual Property” rights. In this regard, a restrictive approach of patent rights and copyright can increasingly become an obstacle for access to knowledge. Whereas the digital era has made knowledge and culture accessible for the greater public and contributes to bring about a worldwide knowledge society, the sustainability of the creative class is in question. The aim of this conference is to explore the different ways out of this paradox and find a mutually beneficial solution.
How can we guarantee a fair remuneration of authors and creators together with the universal access and circulation of knowledge and culture? (more…)
Les rencontres internationales Estive Numérique auront lieu à l’été 2010 à 100 km de Nice, sur les terres de Péone, à plus de 1800 mètres d’altitude sur les derniers espaces agricoles cultivables avant la haute montagne. Ces terres ont été cultivées jusqu’à la moitié du 20 ème siècle, et sont actuellement dédiées aux randonneurs et aux troupeaux des derniers bergers.
The Digital Peak international meeting will take place in summer 2010, on the territory of Péone, a small village 100km away from Nice on the Riviera, France. The conferences and workshops will be held 1800m high and above, in the wild, where the lands were cultivated until the middle of the XXth century. This place is now the rendez-vous of nature lovers and the grazing place for some of the last flocks of the Alps and their sheperds. (more…)
The Third International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction will be Sunday 30 May and Monday 31 May 2010. It is organized by The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) in cooperation with The Canadian Communication Association and Media@McGill.
For 51 countries, there is a risk of entering into conflict over water between now and 2015. By 2025, 48 countries will be lacking water, mainly in the Middle East and Africa, and by 2035 half the world’s freshwater reserves will have disappeared.
Citizen action has become increasingly necessary in order to avoid this forecasted catastrophe. Citizens’ participation in decision-making is essential to ensuring that water policies adapted to local needs secure fair supply and transparent management and protect this common good from commoditisation. Only a sharing of responsibilities will ensure effective access to water for all.
Within the framework of the Water Messengers’ movement, France Libertés is putting out a call for proposals on “Water, humanity’s common good”, focusing on actions in the field, awareness-raising and advocacy work to promote the effective right to access to water for all and democratic governance and management of water.
Workshop One : “Revision of the EU-seed legislation framework” ,
will be animated by Guy Kastler in the name of the Réseau Semences Paysannes (France).
To enable those who wish to understand the issues, attached is a document prepared by the RSP on this topic.
Note (a useful reminder?) that the European legislation is drafted with the lobbying of economic interests (including Monsanto) and in ignorance of the representatives of civil society (among which participants in the European network of seed).
Le Réseau Semences Paysannes (Guy Kastler) animera l’atelier n° 1 : Révision des lois européennes sur les semences
Pour permettre à ceux qui souhaitent bien comprendre les enjeux, en pièce jointe le document rédigé par le RSP sur ce thème.
Il est à noter (utile de le rappeler ?) que les textes européens sont élaborés avec les lobby des intérêts économiques (dont Monsanto) et dans l’ignorance des représentants de la société civile (dont les participants au réseau européen des semences).